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A Tiny Part On Chainsaws That Will Save Your Life

by JEREMY HIPA 29 Jul 2022 0 Comments

Some may notice there is a small part under the chain in modern chainsaws, like this:
the chain catcher
What it is and what it is used for? And why do you need the chainsaw with this small part?
Now, read through this blog, and you will make it clear what may save you and your family critically in the future.

What is it?

This small metal part is a kind of safety feature, called chain catcher. In some modern chainsaws, the chain catcher comes in aluminum or plastic and is fixed by a rivet or integrated with the clutch cover. While in some old chainsaws, there is a small roller that comes as the chain catcher, or there is just no such a safety feature.

What is it used for?

We all know the chain runs at about 100 miles an hour around the guide bar on typical chainsaws, especially it can run up to 14,000 RPMs (Rotate Per Minute) on some big pro chainsaws. Therefore, the chain will have a strong tendency to run in a circle.
But when the chain sits on the guide bar with improper tension and runs at such a fast speed, the chain may come off the bar with the spinning momentum to hurt your leg. If there is a chain catcher on your chainsaw, it would stop the spinning chain and protect you from being injured.

Why do you need the chain catcher?

Even if the chain catcher looks tiny, it plays a crucial role in personal security. If you are using an old chainsaw without a chain catcher alone in the wild and you do get cut on the leg, it could be very catastrophic to you because you may die because of the lack of the small safety feature.
The chain catcher can not prevent all accidents from happening but protect you from the worst, so it also matters to use a chainsaw correctly.→ How to use a chainsaw safely.


If the chain catcher is worn or bent, you’d better replace it. It takes only $4 or $5 but may save you and your family.

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